Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Banned no. 2047185

. . . Where am I?

Nothing. He could feel nothing, see nothing. Only the telltale sign of water pressing all around him told him that he floated in something.

Total darkness engulfed him.

He tried to remember.

. . . Who am I?


Blinding light suddenly floated his vision. It felt like he hadn’t seen like in a long time.

What greeted him though, took on the form of utmost unpleasantness.

All around him, corpses sprawl across the metal flooring. The floor grids stained with dried blood. The tank that housed him was significantly damaged, cracked in various places.

In a few more seconds, the glass cracked, releasing him from gallons of unknown liquid that kept him in stasis. He coughed out liquid and choked on air alike.

The smell wasn’t that particularly welcoming either. Decay had already settled in for quite some time now judging form the pungent fumes that filled the air. He eyeballed the tank, there etched two words on a metal plate at the very top: Seth Uria.

Was that my name?

Seth could not recall. Stasis amnesia?

Stumbling across the room, he left the site of execution and attempted to find an exit. His brain told him as much. The find the way out part, that is.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Banned no. 7825482

*Elf pokes. UZ(xorex) returnpoke.*

“Ah cool. Sure I will meet you guys there.”

My name is UZ. Often, I found it strange to narrate my own story(ies.)

But . . .

I suppose it’s just that the I felt that Deus Ex Machina could not be achieved otherwise, where me myself is the main character.

So enters UZ, or myself, or the author, however you wanna say it. I somehow got caught in this schoollife thing so I became a perfectly normal highschool student and . . . oh, I almost forgot, gotta run!

Uh friends, yes friends. Main characters from other universes are gathered here. They assume various roles in the story, all of them near or same age as me, while some are older . . . there aren’t many! We are all in the same school and um well, you will see.

It was already evening when I headed out. There was nothing much to see, a few withered trees lingered along the sidewalk/road. Along the opposite side, there were a few pedestrians lining up there to looking out to the harbor to watch the sun set. It’s quite a sight, I will tell you, but it got pretty normal after a while.

Yes still light out . . . hmm already 6:38 . . . I would have to run if I wanna catch the 6:40 train. Otherwise, I would have to walk my way to the mall, a hard thing to imagine or do. It’s about forty miles between here and the mall. Even if I could keep my pace at eight point something miles per hour, I would never reach it in time. I probably end up coughing halfway.

Carefully I craned my neck out to see if both side of the road were clear. Clear for now . . . I jumped across the bike rails then quickly ran across the road, nearly got hit by a car in the process, gave me an obnoxious honk too . . . that was odd, I swore I didn’t see any cars . . .

Metros’ on the other side, sailing across the other bike rail, I’m through. Down the steps, pass the people, and swipe my card right through the ticket machine. Down more steps then wait. Forty, right on time, the metro sped pass me and slow to a halt. Five minutes and I’m there.

Oh did I tell you the time me and my friends hijacked a bus . . . ? Uh . . . another story for another time I guess hehe. Though I guess that’s where I inherited my 1337 h4xX0ry driving skillz.

Anyways, finally made it to the mall. Yep there they were, all waiting, though some were rather violent about it while others . . . well you will see. Take for example these two, Sheba and Shela, both twins, identical in face and everything, yet ones an aggressive tomboy while the other’s umm timid. I guess that’s how you put it.

“Hey dimwit! If ya’ve been here sonner, we’d all be in the theaters by now! Now we gotta . . .” See what I mean by Aggressive tomboy? Sheba was already raising her fist and yelling, typical of her to blab away monotonously. Whereas her conterpart would just go “Hiya UZ-kun.”

Naturally I say hi back and ignore Sheba completely.

Oh almost forgot, there’s also Zeph, Titus, and Locke.

“Hey what took you man? You made me buy a cheesecake.” Zeph said. Umm he’s the type that eats and never gets big, horizontal-wise. Too much metabolism, I think.

“Well ‘sa not my fault,” I replied. “I got other duties here in life too.”

“Like what?” Titus, umm how do you put it . . . “The Smiling Freak” I guess. Haha though I won’t say that to his face, he’s always smiling no matter what happens. I guess there’s one side of him that doesn’t want people to worry about him . . .

“Like uh, doing some author type stuff?”

Locke’s the um . . . “nerd” of our group I think. Though he’s cool too. He’s just more technical haha.

Well it can’t be helped, it’s already hard enough to narrate and live at the same time. And I sometimes somehow managed to stop to narrate leading to – “Wah!!”

“Alright ‘nuff talk.” I got dragged by Sheba, shamelessly, (for this occurs often anyways, though I can’t say that it didn’t attract a lot of attention) half way across the mall to the theatre. My legs were burning when she finally let go.

The movie was more or less boring. About this girl whose boyfriend committed suicide. Here’s how the pecking order works: Sheba with the glittering eyes glued to the film, then Shela who could be watching or pretending to. Then there’s the rest of us who either had to watch because we are within range of Sheba, or, for those of us lucky enough, we can sleep through the movie. Just have to make sure we check our yawn on the way out.

Things got interesting however halfway through the move. I forgot to tell you, since I am literally Deus Ex Machina in this story, many things, want or unwanted, happens that generally are hard to explain. Like so. And like so, a giant slug popped out of the view screen like a 3-D movie.

At first, everyone thought it was part of the movie.

Then they remembered the plot.

Then they remembered they weren’t wearing glasses.

Then the slug managed to drench a front seater in slime.

Let’s just say pandemonium spread like an epidemic.

“Um Zeph?” I said, after backing away from the scene and slowly watching the events unfold. In another universe, Zeph’s actually a highly ranked Seraphim (no not the Seraphim in the Bible. It’s slightly different.) with the avatar of a teenager, needless to say, all his memories, abilities and kills were quite intact. And since these slugs were pretty much level one junk data types, they dissipate into particles rather quickly under Zeph’s “invisible” speed assault.

We too blended in with the crowd crowding around the exit. Still level one junk data shouldn’t be able to converge on spacetime . . . yep there it was, a level ten boss slug. Well it caused much more panic but it dissimilated rather quickly along with the rest of the slugs.

Again no one notice Zeph moved.

Well that was an interesting night. We all got home safely.

Still . . . the suddenness of the car and the unexplained guidance of the slugs . . . I think it was just the beginning.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Banned no. 7824970

ooc comment: ok ok I wrote it already stop poking me with a knife

Banned no. 7824970

-Diary Transcript-

Nighttime assisted in covering Xorex’s tracks as he traverse slowly back to civilization through the forest path, sometimes stumbling and falling due to exhaustion and lack of his keen senses, other times stopping when he thought he thought he heard the experiments. He silently trudge through the last of the trees and arrived back into the world of lights, electricity, and tall buildings.

Taking a tentative step down the hill, his legs gave way, and on instinct, Xorex put his arms up to shield himself from sharps objects and what not from rolling and bouncing uncontrollably down the steep hill. He landed with a thud, with the air knocked out of him. As the dust settled, a dim street light filtered through the dust seemed like a grimacing lady luck starring down on him. He just lay there, unwilling to move anymore.

A quiet creek of doors opening and sound of the coming footsteps, however, sent Xorex scurrying and limping behind the nearest house and into the dark. He hissed . . . hissed? as light shone through the darkened street corner, like an animal caught in by humans in the darkness. Materializing through the darkness appeared a girl with a flashlight. Maybe teenage . . . no a gun strapped to her hip so she must be at least in her adolescence. He didn't have time to make out any more of the features as he busied himself with finding some more darkness to merge with.

Too late, the girl already spotted him.

"Oh . . . you're hurt." She stepped forward.

He backed away. Then stopped, realizing that the girl wasn't the least bit afraid of him.

“My name is Mina Habakou.”

Xorex looked up. This girl . . . he snapped back to attention. Sentimental attachments would only hinder him. But still, he gave Mina the pleasure of knowing his real name. “Ryuga Kisaki.”

She took care of him . . . and subsequently, an unintentional friendship sprouted from the impossible.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Short intermission

I’m suppose to post something… uh Xorex … write something. *ka-ching*

ok ok no need to point your awesome wrist blade at me ;_;

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Banned no. 7824969

Banned no. 7824969

-Diary Transcript-

Blood, blood, blood everywhere! The room was literally coated with the sticky, dry stuff. Blood matted his body like the wet furs of an animal, constantly dripping down his slick hair, passed his face and down his body . . .

Curse this virus!

It had been a long night. And only the year long trainings allowed him to escape the monstrosity unleashed in the darkness. He reached for the slick wall to support himself and almost fell over from not being able to retain his balance. His chest heaved erratically. There has been nothing, nothing at all that could compare to this. His two knives clattered noiselessly on the slick ground, engulfed in a pool of blood, his two fangs that helped him survived the night.

He tried to think straight. “G-guu…”

He couldn’t even pronounce a word right. Clutching his stomach, he doubled over and vomited. The smell of corpse was intolerable. Even for a trained assassin like himself. His body burned with a ferocious intensity, coursing through his inner being as if he literally lived in hell, an undying flame burning within.

The night’s struggle had left him nearly topless, revealing a ‘VII’ branded right across his chest, not that it mattered anymore. He was lucky that he wasn’t stripped naked. Grabbing one of his knives, he swaggered towards the door like a drunkard in a drunken stupor. Only this had nothing to do with alcohol. Only this had everything to do with blood. The smell of it inflamed his nostrils. His left hand had almost been disabled due to the feral and berserk humans he had to deal with after the injections. His victory though, was meaningless, piles upon piles of bodies lay everywhere.

The survivors were not all been accounted for yet. His mind told him.

He gently leaned against the door, and tried to turn the slippery handle.

Even he had been infected. His once fine speech patterns now turned into jittery and uncontrollable stuttering. The virus must’ve destroyed most of his cranium that oversaw the area of speech. Odd that he didn’t suffer more. Like turning into these animals . . .

No. 7 shuddered. Soon he too would succumb to this fate. But not yet. He had to get out of this Golgotha. He stumbled out the door way and limped down the first hallway he saw, a hallway with a welcoming scent of death, the scent of human gut and walls lined with corpses, both fresh and old from the previous night, many of them were disfigured beyond recognition. Xorex knew full well that if he didn’t get out of here, his chances of survival would be next to zero.

The young man rounded another corner and was promptly met by resistance. Sliding across the hallway was all that saved him from a spiky end at the hands of a grinning idiot. After meeting his enemy, there was no way he would loose. Even in his weakened state. He moved like a wraith, dodging the stabs from the makeshift pike and made quick work of the survivor, removing the head from its owner’s body with ferocity unlike his own. For a second there, he imaged himself to be a powerful zodiac dragon. Then it was done. He hesitated as the limp body fell pass him onto the ground, splattering him with blood and contributing its own content to the gigantic blood bath. Xorex didn’t even notice what happened seconds before, he was trying to suppress the urge to mutilate the fresh corpse.

He fell to his knees, yet resisted the tears swelling in his eyes. All his life, he had never seen so much death. Wiping his face, he got up again and opened the exit he knew that was there. Only its openings were camouflaged by more of sticky content littered all around the floor. He knife broke as he tried to wedge open the door. But it opened a crack, enough for him to slip through. And survive.

-End Transcription-

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Banned no. 7824968

In session

Banned no. 7824968

Everything had a reason. Xorex pondered this as he sat on the ledge of a high cliff viewing the rising sun. Hmm it’s almost time. He could feel it. The overwhelming call from the Symbol painted across his chest. The Blue Bass tests were too much to handle for an ordinary human. He smirked, and now, he too had succumbed to the ‘benefits’ of the mutations. Already it showed signs of degradation . . .